Eucharistic Crusade


How to spend good summer vacations

Dear Crusaders,

Summer is here: the days are longer, the temperature is nice… and school is over for two months!  What are you going to do during that time?  A number of parents worry about what they are going to do with their children when school is over, but usually children are not short of ideas for things to do in the summer: as a matter of fact, many children are making plans for their summer vacations well before it happens!  Are you going to spend some time at your grand parents place?  Are you dreaming about building a tree house, or exploring the trails with your mountain-bike? 

In any case, there is something very important to remember during summer holidays: summer vacations are a time for good rest for the body… but not for the soul!  Because our soul is spiritual, it does not need to take a rest like the body.  Moreover, both the good and the bad angels do not go on vacation.  In the same manner, God never takes a vacation!

That is why, every single day of your summer vacation, you will have to remember that you have a soul to preserve from the attacks of the devil, with the help of your guardian angel.  This is going to be more difficult, because often the rules you have to follow are not as strict during the summer, as they are during the school year.      

Let me give you good advice: if you really want to please God and have a good vacation, come to Mass and receive Communion more often.  Many Crusaders are living close to a priory or a chapel where Mass is celebrated not only on Sundays, but on a number of week-days.  As school is over, and you don’t have to worry about home-work, it should be easier to come to Mass on a number of week-days: do not hesitate to ask your parents to take you to church.

Nothing is more beautiful and pleasing to God than to communicate frequently.  With Communion, you should make more frequent acts of faith, hope and charity.  It will give you the most powerful help to fight against sin, and keep the flame of the love of God burning in your hearts, not only this summer, but also throughout your life.

With my priestly blessing, in Jesus and Mary,

Father Dominique Boulet


  • On July 8th, I'll say Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
St. Pius X Priory,
905 Rang. St. Matthieu
Shawinigan, Quebec, G9N 6T5
Fax: (819) 537-6562

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