Eucharistic Crusade


King David

Dear crusaders,

King David was a good and holy king, full of zeal for the love of God. Of course, he was not a Crusader for there was no Eucharistic Crusade at his time. However, David had all the qualities of a good Crusader: piety, union with God, spirit of sacrifice and zeal for the glory of God.

David was a famous warrior. The old say that his arrow would never miss its target. When he was shooting, he was always dead on, and all his battles were victories. People just loved him, as their good and faithful king.

One day, David took some rest but, after all, he deserved it well. He went on vacation to Jerusalem, and stayed idle for a while. A holy man that stays idle: this is something that looks strange!

Right away, things didn’t go well, and he saw a woman who was already married. He did something very bad when he tried to take her as his wife, and even worse when he managed to kill her husband. Then, not feeling sorry for his sins, he took home that poor woman.

Within days, the good and holy king David had made two very bad sins. What happened? King David fell idle. Nothing of that would ever happen if David had kept busy with good things.

Dear children, don’t think that you are smarter that king David. Make good use of your time: work hard and play well, but keep busy, and you will not offend God.

Father Dominique Boulet

  • On July 8 and August 4, I said Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
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