Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Manual of the
Eucharistic Crusade of the Apostleship of Prayer

Published in 1962 by the Central Office of the Eucharistic Crusade, Rome

 Crusader Pin

Educating the Youth to Live the Mass

(slightly edited by Fr. Boulet)



a) Explanation of the nature of the Sacrifice of the Mass:

It is better to know the nature, meaning and importance of the Mass than to know all the various ceremonies and movements. There are especially four truths, or rather groups of truths, which ought to be deeply imprinted on the hearts of the children.

a) On the cross Christ offered Himself to His heavenly Father in satisfaction for our sins. This sacrifice is continually re-presented or made present again in the Mass.

b) In the Mass, Christ is the offerer (Priest) and victim. He offers Himself through the priest who offers this Sacrifice in the name and in the person of Christ.

c) The Sacrifice of the Eucharist is at the same time the Sacrifice of the Church, i.e. the Church along with Christ offers the Sacrifice of Christ to the heavenly Father through the hands of the priest. All the faithful make their offering through the hands of the priest, who in the name of Christ, true Priest and true Victim, offers sacrifice. Therefore all the faithful, as offerers and victims, take part in this Sacrifice.

d) The heavenly Father, accepting this Sacrifice, gives His Son to us in the form of celestial food, making us sharers in the divine life and strengthening and nourishing us to eternal life.

These four truths must be gradually explained to the children in such a way that their meaning penetrates their hearts and they experience them profoundly.

b) Explanation of the Sacred Action:

Along with the explanation of the nature of the Mass, there should be given an explanation of the sacred actions performed at the altar, so that the children can relate what they learn about the Mass, to what they see at the altar.

The following should be noted:

a) Introduction. They should distinguish between the introductory part and the sacrificial action proper. The latter consists of three parts: Offertory, Consecration and Communion.

b) Offertory. They should know that the Offertory is an integral part of the Eucharistic Sacrifice. The faithful are uniting themselves to the offering of bread and wine performed by the priest. The correct way of praying at the Offertory is to say, "We carry to the altar, we give into the hands of the priest, or we place on the paten... all our prayers, works, sufferings, love, etc. At the same time we pray God that our sacrifice may be united with the Sacrifice of His Son that we may honour God in a becoming way, and receive from Him His gifts and His grace."

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