Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People

The Two Banners

     Emperor Theodosius the younger was facing his enemy, Eugenius on the battlefield. Eugenius had gathered an immense and powerful army, and it seemed that he was sure to win the battle. He had ordered that a picture of the pagan hero, Hercules—a symbol of strength, to be carried as a banner in front of his army.

     Theodosius had only a small army. His army carried a banner with a picture of the Cross. Before the battle started, Theodosius exclaimed to his soldiers: “Victory cannot possibly come to the army with the banner of Hercules, and shame be brought to the Cross of Christ!” He believed that even though they were a small army, they would win because they carried the picture of the Cross of Christ in their battle.

     With great confidence they advanced with only a handful of men toward the army of Eugenius. Soon a mighty storm began to blow, whirling dust and sand into the faces of Eugenius’ soldiers. They were completely confused, and it was easy for Theodosius’ army to beat the enemy.

     This event is a symbol of the great battle we have in the world. We have the Catholic Faith and we have to stand up against a world that doubts the existence of God; that makes fun of religion, especially the Catholic religion, and that makes idols and heroes out of sports players and movie stars.

We are under the banner of the Cross of Christ and the Virgin Mary—we must depend on Jesus and Mary to help us in our battles against the Devil, the Flesh and the World, and to help us do the Holy Will of God.

The world is under the banner of Hercules—where people try to do everything their own way and with their own strength, without asking God for help!

If you want to get to Heaven, always make sure to stay under the banner of Jesus and Mary and beg them for help with all your daily trials and problems. You can be sure that if you remember to pray to Jesus and Mary in your troubles and to call on them for help, they will be only too happy to give you the help you need. Sometimes they will test you, and you will have to battle for a little while, but they will be there all the same—helping you and encouraging you.

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