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MAY 28, 2013

         The month of May began with the erection of a May altar, for which the high school girls took responsibility, followed by the ceremony of the May crowning on Sunday May 5, renewing the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary first pronounced by Pope Pius XII in 1942. Then on Monday May 13, anniversary of the first apparition in Fatima, the 25 children who are members of the Eucharistic Crusade renewed the consecration of the Eucharistic Crusade to the Immaculate Heart of May, in front of the crowned statue of Our Lady.

May crowning
The children in procession to crown Our Lady.

          As the year comes towards its end the various levels in the school have undertaken or are about to undertake various field trips. On May 8, he younger grades took a trip to the Guelf Civic Museum to view old toys, and on May 23 the grades 4 – 6 headed off in the bus to Doon village, a historically reconstructed village in Kitchener that pictures life as it was in 1914. The children were fascinated with the machines and apparatus that were in use at that time. The grades 7 – 8 had a day at the Kitchener All Science competition on April 26, in which they were able to compete in teams of four at resolving science questions with children of other schools. The high school girls are heading to the Toronto museum on May 29 to view the demonstration on the Renaissance, that they are studying in History this year and on June 3 the high school boys will have a tour of the Gerdau steel mill.

Art Fair
Intriguing projects on display at the annual Art Fair.

          Victoria Day, Monday May 20, was the occasion of our annual Athletics` Day activities. After a parish barbecue Father May recruited the help of the high school boys to organize activities and competitions for the younger children, from relay racing to high jump to three legged races and many others. Everybody had a great time.

“Ready, Set, go” The Jog-A-Thon run begins.

          However, the most exciting activities of the month took place on Trinity Sunday, May 26. After the High Mass, Miss Lesica organized an Art fair, having on display the quality artistic productions of the school children for all the parishioners to see. Following a pot luck then came the play that the Drama Club has been working on for several months, The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare. The production was excellent, due to the working together of all 25 members of the drama club, all actively involved in the dramatic presentation, scene changes and concession stand. The stars were the two Antipholus`s and the two Dromio`s, two pairs of identical twins, constantly being confused with one another. The facility with acting, and in particular with comedy, developed from the weekly Saturday evening skits, was quite clearly apparent, and even the children were entertained.

A Comedy of Errors
The Drama Club presents, “A Comedy of Errors”

A Comedy of Errors

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