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MARCH 19, 2013

         St. Joseph`s feast day was celebrated by a High Mass, followed by the consecration of the Society of Saint Pius X to St. Joseph, performed by the priests and faithful at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, as in all the Society`s priories. We are confident that this special patronage of St. Joseph will bring many us many graces in our combat for the Faith.

Consecration to St Joseph

Parishioners gather around for the consecration
of the Society of St. Pius the X to St. Joseph.

          However, the biggest activity during this month of March was the celebration of the St. Patrick`s dinner and auction. Celebrated on Saturday March 16, it was the most successful of the four St. Patrick dinners so far. Not only was it a parish celebration, but it drew some non-parishioners, and some faithful from nearby traditional chapels. The gym was entirely full for the corned beef dinner prepared by the ladies of the Sodality of Our Lady. There were many donated items available for the live and silent auctions, the latter of which went on throughout the dinner. The school children provided a wide range of entertainment, including instrumentals, Irish songs by various groups of boys and girls, and a skit on the life of St. Patrick put on by the drama club. Everybody had a good time, and it was a successful fundraiser for the school.

Guests at St. Patrick’s Day Auction and Dinner

A record number of 240 guests enjoy the entertainment at the St. Patrick’s Day Auction and Dinner.

St Patrick's day song

The Girl’s choir entertains the St. Patrick’s day guests singing “Whistling Gypsy”.

          The other big event during March was the annual Science Fair, held after the High Mass on Sunday March 10. All the children from grades 5 and up had to present an experiment and project. The displays were set up in the gym, where the faithful could view and ask for explanations. At the same time the judges went around to each exhibit, deciding on the winning prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places for the three different categories, High School, Junior High and grade school.

          Other activities included parish ice skating at the Wilmot Recreation Centre on a couple of Friday afternoons, February 22 & March 8. Then on March 15, Father May taught the boys how to make an igloo, warm and cosy, constructed out of the snow drifts on the soccer field.

boys with fun igloo

Father May and boys proudly display their finished igloo.

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