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JUNE 22, 2009

The school year came to an end with fewer activities and a concentration on the final tests and examinations, which were completed only on the last day of school, Wednesday June 17, Fathers Scott and May keeping their final exams in Religion and Latin until the very last day of school.

On Trinity Sunday, June 7, three postulants in the Eucharistic Crusade became Pages in a ceremony at Sunday High Mass. At the same time ten Pages made their consecration and were elevated to the rank of Crusader, promising to make a daily sacrifice, to recite at least two decades of the Rosary every day, and to fight against their dominant fault.

The second week of June was one of busy preparation for the first solemn Pontifical Mass and procession of the Blessed Sacrament, held on Sunday June 14, at Holy Face church in St. Catharines. Our Lady of Mount Carmel provided for the serving of the Pontifical Mass at the faldstool, with the Math and Science teacher, Mr. Carnes, as principal Master of Ceremonies. The boys spent the previous week with practices to prepare for the big occasion.

The Solemnity of Corpus Christi was not a disappointment for anyone. It was a great opportunity for traditional Catholics throughout Ontario to profess their Faith, coming as they did from the chapels in Toronto, New Hamburg, Orillia and Sudbury, as well as from the Niagara peninsula itself - in all about 350. The church was blessed by its first ever solemn pontifical ceremony, our Superior General, His Excellency Bishop Bernard Fellay, celebrating the Mass and carrying the monstrance publicly through the streets of St. Catharines for nearly two hours. The procession stopped at two outdoor altars, where all the priests and faithful knelt in adoration to receive the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The choir from Toronto led the singing of hymns in honor of our Eucharistic King throughout the procession.

Afterwards the large gymnasium at Holy Face church was used for the celebration in honor of the Superior General. It was a banquet - a three course catered meal. Over 300 places were prepared and filled. For an hour or so at the end of the banquet the faithful were able to hear Bishop Fellay update them on the latest between the Society and Rome, as well as listen to two young traditional musicians perform on the violin.

Monday June 15 was the day of final preparations from the Confirmations, including the cleaning of the school from top to bottom, as well as the oral examinations on the catechism for the five students who were to be confirmed the next day.

H.E. Bishop Fellay arrived at the school at lunchtime on Tuesday 16th, which gave him his first opportunity to see it in action. Then in the evening came the Confirmation ceremony. So many people were in attendance that an altar had to be set up on the stage in the gymnasium. A total of 33 confirmands mounted the steps to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, including not only parishioners of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, but also parishioners from Sacred Heart chapel in Wyoming, Holy Face church in St. Catharines, and even from the northern chapel of Timmins, Ontario.

Bishop extends hands over confirmandi
The confirmations
Bishop Fellay, in front of the altar
set up on the stage of the gymnasium,
extends his hands over the confirmands to invoke the seven fold gifts of the Holy Ghost upon them.
The confirmations gathered around the bishop
on the grass outside the school after the ceremony.

Wednesday 17th was the last day of school. After final tests and cleaning up, during the last period a little party to thank the teachers was held. Then came the rushed exodus, since some of the boarders, as well as teachers and priests were heading off to the ordinations in Winona, leaving within an hour of the end of school.

No sooner had the summer break began, then maintenance also began. When the Society had taken possession of the school, it had not been possible to paint the interior of the school gymnasium and halls. Much of the paint was peeling, and the rest was marked by strange lines and secular sharks, which have no place in a Catholic school. Thanks to Mr. Joe Ryder from Illinois, assisted by two of the high school boys on vacation, the work of scraping and repainting began on Monday 22nd, to be completed by the end of the week.

Painting the gym
The three painters
Mr. Joe Ryder from Illinois, volunteered a week of his time to paint the gym. Here he can be seen assisted by two of the high school boys on a hot summer's day, June 24
The three painters with the instruments of
their trade on the scaffolding rented for the purpose.

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