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OCTOBER 21, 2009

The school’s second annual chocolate drive began on Friday October 16. Great excitement and activity accompanied the childrens’ preparation to sell chocolates in all the small neighboring towns, with the competition to see who could sell the most. They have been very well received, and by their politeness and manners shown the exterior aspect of an ordered education (if only it were always the same at school!).

students and faculty

A Fall school photo of faculty and students
under the trees on a sunny but cool morning in October.

It was the feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary which was the liturgical high point of first half of the month of October, celebrated by the recitation of the Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the monstrance. Other important events included Thanksgiving day. Monday 12th. The boarders headed off in six canoes to tackle the Nith river, which flows through New Hamburg and down towards Paris, where it flows into the Grand River. The excitement that cooled enthusiasm was when two of the canoes overturned in one of the gentle rapids on the river, forcing a change of clothes and abandonment of the canoes by the shipwrecked boys, much to the amusement of the others. The cool day ended with a rather warmer cookout at the home of one of our parishioners who lives on the Nith river, at the start point of the canoe expedition.

Fr Scott instructs canoeists
canoeists drift to the shore
Father Scott encourages some enthusiastic paddlers
to re-launch their canoes for the third phase
of the expedition on Thanksgiving day.
Two inexperienced paddlers drift a little close
to the shore of the Nith river on October 12.

Friday afternoon, October 16th the school’s second ping pong tournament took place. With four tables erected in the gymansium and on the stage and four games going at a time, it still took more than three hours to arrive at decisive victories in each of the boys’ and girls’ divisions and singles and doubles competitions. Then on Friday evening, after the Scout meeting, the boys enjoyed building a fire, and having the chance to roast marshmellows over the fire built in the school’s fire pit. Sunday October 18th was the long-awaited soccer championship between New Hamburg two teams and the Toronto team, led by Father Wegner. The games took place in succession, on the school field. The boys were beaten by both adult teams, but the Toronto and New Hamburg men’s teams tied, promising a rematch as soon as possible.

Fr May instructs boys in rugby tactics
boys playing rugby
Father May with instructs some of the younger boys
on the tactics for touch rugby
The high school boys in action
during a game of rugby in Gym class.


A very popular pastime amongst the boarders during recreation time.
It is kickball in the gymasium, which works rather like baseball, with four bases.

boys cooking

Some of the boarders make good use of the school kitchen
to cook up some pancakes for breakfast after Mass on Saturday morning.

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