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FEBRUARY 27, 2010

February’s winter weather was a delight for the students at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It was a challenge to keep the soccer field’s home made ice rink clear of snow and with a fresh veneer of ice. Yet the making and maintaining of the ice rink, as well as its use, was enjoyed by many of the students.

On Sunday February 14, the boarders took off for Wildwood Park, where they cleared the snow off an area of the large lake to make a skating rink for the afternoon. Afterwards they all headed off to the Hartman farm for sledding and a country welcome and meal.

Friday February 19 was the annual chess competition, for which the children had been prepared for several weeks, with the help of some staff and parishioners. The afternoon was a lively time with several chess games going on at a time in each of three classrooms, one for the girls, one for the younger boys, and a third for the high school boys. Prizes were awarded for the winners at the end of the afternoon.

chess competition
Several simulaneous games of chess going on
amongst the grade school boys on Friday February 19.
Miss Lesica and two of her high school
art students working on a sign to advertize
the upcoming St. Patrick's dinner.

Now preparation is underway for the first St. Patrick’s dinner auction, to take place at 6:30 p.m. on his feast day, March 17. Many of the parishioners are getting involved in preparing for the event that will be both a fun time by the entertainment and a fundraiser for the school. It is to be held in the school gymnasium.

On Monday February 15th work began on the bookshelves that are to go along with entire upstairs hallway, some 80 feet of bookshelves in length. It is the final project in the finishing of the school building, that had been left unfinished when the lockers from upstairs had been removed. Work has advanced rapidly, and it will be completed by the middle of March, at a cost of $8,000.

framing for bookshelves
bookshelves under contruction
The framing in of the large wall areas
in the upstairs hallway for bookshelves.
The workshop area in the upstairs hallway
and carpenter at work building the bookshelves.

OLMC flag on a wintry day

The school flag flies over a wintry school on February 26.

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