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APRIL 21, 2010

         The countdown for the Easter break was an exciting one, for Holy Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. was also the end of the Third Quarter and of the tests that had marked the last few days of the Quarter. It remained only to enjoy the ceremonies of Holy Week and the week break after Easter. Meanwhile the faculty was busy grading papers and preparing report cards. Monday April 12 was the return from break and the beginning of the Fourth Quarter. Report cards were finalized by the following Friday, and individually handed out to the students by Father Scott; some students receiving merited praise, but others a constructive criticism.

          Meanwhile the 7th & 8th grade girls returned on April 13 from their exciting trip to Browerville, MN, along with their teacher, Miss Hartman. They had taken four days to visit Sacred Heart Novitiate of the Sisters of the Society of Saint Pius X and to be present on Low Sunday for the ceremony of taking of the habit and religious profession presided over by H.E. Bishop Tissier de Mallerais.

nuns and students - click to enlarge
Seventh & Eight grade girls at Sacred Heart Novitiate in Browerville
on Sunday April 11, Low Sunday, when they had gone on a school excursion
to become acquainted with the religious life.

          Back at the school work advanced on several projects; the staining and lacquering of the new bookshelves upstairs and the building of new shower partitions in particular..

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    Here is the photos of the boarding students
finishing and staining the shelves
on the new bookshelves upstairs.
A portion only of the new bookshelves
at the east end of the hallway upstairs in the school.


          However, the biggest event of the month of April was the school’s first Science Fair on Sunday April 18. After High Mass all of the students from grade three and up demonstrated science projects to parishioners that they had been working on for weeks, ranging from criminology to the generation of CO2 and a vehicle that runs on water. Three scientists from the parish formed the tribunal of judges, awarding first, second and third prizes in each of the divisions, one for high school, one for grades 7 & 8 and one for grades 3 - 6, as well as best experiment, best innovation model and best study. For a couple of hours the gymnasium was full of parishioners and students discussing their projects

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Two budding scientists (5 & 6th grade) demonstrating at the Science Fair on April 18
 the experiment they invented to show the explosive power of Carbon Dioxide they generated.

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Parishioners looking at the various exhibits
of the science experiments laid out in the gymnasium
on Sunday April 18.
The first prize experiment for the high schoo
l at the April 18 Science Fair - a water powered car.


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A view of the people participating in the St. Patrick's dinner celebration
in the gymnasium on March 17, 2010

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Professional drama sword fighting lessons
are given to the boys in the gymnasium on Friday April 16 as a part of the prepration of their production of Shakespeare's play HENRY IV, to take place on May 24.
The boys all try their hand at sword fighting,
with the wooden swords they made for the play.

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