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DECEMBER 21, 2010

          The Toyota assembly plant in Cambridge was the object of a scientific and engineering field trip by our 20 High School boys on Thursday November 25. They were fascinated by the use of technology, and in particular by the work of 500 robots performing welding and other such jobs on the assembly line.

highschool boys

HIgh School students from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy on their Science and
engineering field visit to the Toyota car plant in Cambridge, Ontario on November 25, 2010

          On Friday December 3, the parish held the first of two parish skating events for this winter. The local skating rink was rented for two hours, one hour of family skating and one hour of competitive hockey for the men and boys, most of the families participating enthusiastically.

          Sunday December 5 was the welcome day of the St. Nicholas party, especially for the younger students. One of the 12th graders, dressed up as St. Nicholas, and followed around by the evil and accusing Krampus, proceeded to give out candy and other rewards , for the children`s good deeds. The following Sunday, December 12, feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, was celebrated by the blindfolded beating of a piñata. On the same day the ladies of the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary held a very successful bake sale.

St. Nicholas visits the class
St. Nicholas, accompanied by Krampus, visits the children in the school cafeteria,
with appropriate gifts for those who had have been good.

          Meanwhile, good falls of snow entertained the boarders with constant snow ball fights, and the building of snow forts out of blocks of packed snow.

boys clearing off outdoor ice rink
Preparing this year's school ice rink in early December on the soccer field
at the back of the gymnasium.

          The pressure was on until the last day of classes before the Christmas break, Thursday December 16. Then on Friday December 17 came the school ski expedition, to Chicopee ski club in Kitchener. Excellent staff, good lessons, great ski conditions, all contributed to a great time by the 57 students who took part, either skiing or snowboarding.

ski instructor with students

During the school ski trip on December 17, competent instructors prepared the young beginning skiers to handle their skies and the slopes of Chicopee.

          The same day parishioners took possession of the house in Wellesley destined to become the sisters` convent, and started immediately on the remodeling to increase to six the number of bedrooms and to add an additional bathroom on the lower level.

students and spectators around Fr May

The gathering of students and spectators in the gymnasium around Father May, the adjudicator,  watches the Badminton tournament on Sunday November 21.

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