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MARCH 13, 2011

          The end of the second quarter and the first semester was marked by an afternoon of parish & school ice skating on Friday January 28, culminating in a hockey game for the older boys. The first week of the third quarter was interrupted by the feast of Candlemas, on February 2, with a procession with blessed candles throughout the school. Although it was the first and only snow day in the history of the school, this did not stop the hardier parishioners from attending. That Friday, February 4, two groups of boys headed off to Bechtel Park in Waterloo for cross country ski lessons. The same day we also had the privilege of the visit of Father Yves Le Roux, Rector of St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary. He spoke to the school students about vocations and their importance for the Church, and then that evening celebrated the First Friday Mass and delivered a much appreciated conference to the faithful concerning all the things they can do to encourage vocations.

Parish ice skating
    Parish ice skating on Friday January 28 at WIlmot Recreation Centre.

snow ball wars
The most frequent recreation time amusement - snow ball wars,
this involving teachers as well as students.

          Two weeks later, on Friday February 18, it was the turn of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy to host the all-day of adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament that is held every day in one of the chapels of the Society throughout the world, requesting the conversion of Rome to Tradition, and religious and priestly vocations. All the children were able to participate.

          On Sunday February 27, the boarders were able to enjoy an afternoon at Wildwood Park, ice-skating on the lake (after having cleared off the snow), hiking, and ice-fishing (without success).

          Meanwhile, the chess club continues its regular Saturday competitions, and the drama club prepares an original presentation for the upcoming St. Patrick`s dinner.

young girls with knitting needles
Miss Lesica's Junior Craft club.
These six girls in grades 1 - 3 meet with Miss Lesica for craft projects every Friday after school,
and are making quilts for the St. Patrick's auction, amongst other things.

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