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NOVEMBER 7, 2011

          H.E. Bishop Tissier de Mallerais`s visit on Friday October 21 was certainly the high point of the month. Three adults received the sacrament of Confirmation that evening, together with 29 children. The children in grades 4 – 6 of the Academy received Confirmation, as well as one 8th and one 9th grader, and several other children who are not students in the Academy. All were well prepared, knowing the minimum knowledge for Confirmation by heart, but the bishop did not quiz them. The ceremony of Confirmations took place in the gymnasium, in the presence of 200 persons, including a sizeable group of parishioners from Holy Face of Jesus church in St. Catharines. Immediately after the Confirmations, Bishop Tissier de Mallerais began a Pontifical High Mass at the faldstool, assisted by Fathers Scott, May and Fox. A potluck reception followed afterwards, filling the school cafeteria and hallways, during which all the faithful present were able to greet the bishop, and sample his kindness.

          Meanwhile, the work on fixing up the new portable classroom, ready for use continues. The heater has been installed, connected to the glycol heat exchange system used for the other portables. The electrical wiring, and fire alarm systems have also been connected.

Chess Club
Every Tuesday after school the school Chess Club meets,
under the direction of Mr. Francis Nwadibia.
Here two boys can be seen deep in concentration and combat.
Chess has a remarkable ability to increase the ability of concentrate.

          Thanksgiving this year was on Monday, October 10, on which day a convoy of vehicles headed off to take the boarders to Hullett Conservation Area for a long hike through the marshlands and along the dykes. After a picnic lunch, the boys enjoyed their favorite game of ``Catch the flag`` in the woods. It was the following week that all the paperwork was straightened out and that our new old second-hand school bus was on the road. Seating 48 students comfortably it allows all the boarders, or a good portion of the school, to go on an excursion together. The first trip, on Saturday October 15, took the 25 Scouts and their supervisors to the Heritage Warplane museum in Hamilton. The second trip was a field trip for grades 2 – 6 to the nearby Shantzholm Pumpkin farm on the morning of Friday October 21. The corn maze was a real attraction, as the children tried to get through it quickly. They were all able to bring home a pumpkin, many of which they carved into elaborate faces.

At the Pumpkin Patch
School excursion of grades 2 – 6 on Friday October 21 to a local farm, called
the Pumpkin Patch. As well as a hay ride, and the picking of their own pumpkins
and the inspection of many farm animals , they were able to try to find their way
through a corn maze.

Sing-a-long at the convent
Father May plays the guitar around the fire whilst the sisters and boarding girls sing along.
This was a celebration for the feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, patron of the convent.

          Now that we have a bus, the boarders are able to make regular weekend trips to the playing fields in New Hamburg, and on Saturday October 29 to the local indoor heated swimming pool, for an hour of swimming, diving and fun. However the week starting October 31 was a serious one, being the week of tests and exams to finish off the first quarter. However, even this week had its day off: - the feast of All Saints. There was no school, and after the High Mass and a pot luck, the children all dressed up and presented the stories of the life of their saints, occasionally tricking the Fathers who could do guess the identity of the saint. In addition, the high schoolers presented four skits that they had made up on the life of saints of their choosing. The presentation of the martyrdom of St. Symphorian won the much-coveted after pizza dinner.

De Brebeuf Scouts
Mr. Paraschuk and the boys of the De Brebeuf Scouts about to take off in the bus for the Hamilton museum.
This was the maiden voyage of the “currus aureus”, the golden chariot, as it was named when blessed.

abandoned bridge at the Hewlett park

Father Scott, Mr. Elliott, Sister Maria Barbara and the boarders on an abandoned bridge at
the Hewlett park conservation area on their Thanksgiving Day hike, Monday October 10.

          On All Souls` day, November 2, the boys say the Requiem Mass, under the direction of Mr. De Vriendt, and afterwards the whole school visited a cemetery to pray for the repose of the poor souls and to gain the plenary indulgence. It was with great relief that all students saw the end of their tests by lunch time on Friday November 4. Then it was the turn for the teachers to work hard to prepare the report cards as soon as possible.

All Saints Day party
The competitors in the fourth – sixth grade division of the All Saints Day party – one of four divisions.
They all had to present the life of their saint by heart.

Art Club
Professional artist and art teacher, Mr. Vander Meer teaches the high school art club
how to paint landscapes during the Art Club meeting on Tuesday October 11.
He comes for an occasional visit to reinforce the regular weekly art classes taught by Miss Lesica.

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