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NOVEMBER 4, 2008

The fall of leaves in October was of great entertainment to the children, who not only raked them up, heaped them into a huge compost heap, and burnt large piles of them, but also played in those same piles. The fire pit was also used to dispose of some dead wood on the property, and odd and useless pieces of wood left over from the construction.

The feast of Christ the King was important for Our Lady of Mount Carmel, as it followed the Society’s world-wide pilgrimage to Lourdes, with some 16,000 pilgrims. The students and parishioners were very happy also to respond to Bishop Fellay’s call for another million rosaries to bring about the removal of the so-called excommuncations, just as the million rosaries two years ago was instrumental in making the traditional Mass available for every priest. Along with all the other chapels of the Society, we are collecting as many rosaries as possible for this intention, between November 1 and December 25, Christmas day.

The school was excited by the preparation for the All Saints’ party, that took place on the eve of the feast. Several home schooling families, friends of the school, came along to the celebration of the saints, bringing up to 42 the number of children who participated, not counting the adults who dressed up as saints and presented the life of their saint. The children went one by one before the panel of two judges, Fathers Scott and May, and told as best they could the story of their life. Not a few of them managed to stump the Fathers, including some of the high schoolers, who had been a little reluctant at first to participate. Prizes were awarded for the best presentation and the best costume in each division. After the rather lengthy presentation of all the saints, came a series of different games set up for the children of the various age groups. At the end games of musical chairs were enjoyed by all.

On November 2nd, Father Scott formally initiated the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapter of the Eucharistic Crusade, meeting with all the interested children after Mass. Some of the school children had already started filling in their treasure sheets and living the motto of Prayer, Communion, Sacrifice and Apostolate, but others are also interested. He collected at that time a spiritual treasure from the month of October of 7 treasure sheets, 143 morning offerings, 127 Masses, 121 sacramental communions, 161 spiritual communions, 479 sacrifices, 603 decades of the Rosary, 92 visits to the Blessed Sacrament, 67 meditations in silence and 289 good examples. It is a humble beginning, to be sent to Father Boulet, the District Chaplain.

On the same day, Father Scott asked the parishioners to pledge $10,000 to completing the large double room that is to be the future Our Lady of Mount Carmel chapel. Everybody who assists at Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel understands the urgency and importance of this project. A meeting with the contractor took place on November 4th, arranging the details of the electrical wiring, dry wall, insulation, stucco, heating radiators, trim and finish to be included in the project.

Since work on this project is to start immediately, the Fathers, the boys, and some generous parishioners spent the afternoons and evenings of November 3 & 4 emptying the future chapel, of huge piles of extraneous items that had accumulated there, including some 20 doors of all kinds, hundreds of light fixtures, many radiators and all kinds of junk.

Flying Father May

Student Jerome Nienaber watches as Father May takes a flying leap
into a pile of leaves they had gathered together during recreation.
The adjoining cemetery can be seen in the background.


Father May instruct the boys on the rules for Badminton
during gym class in the school gym, leading an enthusiastic team on.

Fathers Scott and May
priests judging saint presentation

The two judges, Father Scott and May, question St. Nicholas Postgate, rather bemused by the white cloths set out. They in fact were stumped, not knowing that this, one of the last English martyrs of 1679, identified his secret visits to celebrate Mass by leaving white cloths on the trees nearby. It was a good thing the English authorities were just as stumped by the priest, enabling him to administer to the faithful in England for a half century before being caught.

watching saints presentation
watching saints presentation
Some of the high school saints, in costume,
look on whilst the other saints perform.
A view of some of the faithful in the gym,
watching the presentation of the saints.

children in saints' costumes

A view of the collection of saints, in costume,
after the presentations, together with Father Scott & May.

musical chairs

Some of the saints, with renewed vigor,
participate in a fun game of musical chairs after the presentation.

praying for the repose of the souls
Some of the academy students, on the school parking lot on All Souls‘ Day,
pray for the repose of the souls buried in the adjacent cemetery.

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