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NOVEMBER 12, 2008

Guy Fawkes day, Wednesday November 5, was an important one at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. For on that day the contractors from Columbia began the work for the interior construction of the chapel. They began by removing all the ceiling tiles, and old wiring and light fixtures, and followed up by redoing all the electrical wiring as befits a chapel. The next step is the framing of the interior walls for the insulation (on the exterior walls) and dry wall, as well as repairs to the walls. This is presently in progress.

Also on Guy Fawkes day the priests and boarders celebrated with a bonfire in the evening, on which they roasted hotdogs and marshmellows, after burning piles of wood and trash that had been piled up into the future chapel. After this little celebration came the letting off of some good fun twisters into the air, and then some improvised skits by the boys, to the amusement of all. It was the last chance, since within a couple of days it had turned too cold.

Father Scott, Father May, Mr. Ratusz the high school teacher and Mr. Tonogai in the light of the bonfire.
The bonfire on the school playground is burning well!

skits around the fire
The boarders putting on their skits in the dark around the fire.

Meanwhile Father May has been working on his projects: the construction of an altar platform, and of a second bunk bed, and of a ledge for the dining room, and the trim and paint for the teacher’s staff room. So many projects and so few hands, yet he does a great job.

priest and student in workshop
Father May and student George Kirk work together on one of Father's many projects:
the sawing of a bench top for the upstairs dining room.

Sunday was the chance for a little break. The boarders took a hike and excursion to Lake Conestogo, walking in light snow and sleet on the trails around the lake. They were astonished on the half drive home to see no less than 100 horse drawn carriages of all kinds, shapes and sizes, the Amish being out on the roads traveling in every direction on Sunday afternoon, regardless of the wind and snow.

The week starting November 10 was exam week, being the last week of the Quarter. Whilst the faculty worked on grading papers and fine tuning the first report cards just as they wanted them, the students worked on preparing their tests. Remembrance day, November 11, was celebrated by a lament played by 9th grade student, Marcus Tonogai, on the bagpipes, followed by a decade of the Rosary in the (temporary) chapel for the repose of the souls of fallen soldiers from both sides of the conflicts during the two world wars in particular.

On November 11 also the uniforms, long awaited from Calgary, Alberta, finally arrived. However, there were not a few errors in the preparation of the order, and many items had to be returned, as well as back orders that still remain to be fulfilled. These little difficulties were a trial on everybody’s patience, but it was resolved that by the following Monday all the students would finally be in school uniform, as much as possible at any rate, for the beginning of the Second Quarter.

On November 12 the first school fundraiser was launched. It is a chocolate drive, to help fund the work in process in the chapel. Each family in the school is to sell five boxes of 30 chocolate bars, and the parishioners are likewise to be asked to help out, under the supervision of Toronto parishioners, John and Melanie Tan. All hands are on deck to sell these chocolate bars, and volunteers are requested. If all 100 boxes are sold the school will make a profit of more than $4,000.

altar to be
The large altar and tabernacle that had been stored in the chapel,
now moved into the school hallway during remodeling of the chapel.

new chapel under construction
An interior view of the chapel as it looked on November 12, looking towards the front.
The framing with metal studs on the exterior wall can be clearly seen on the left.

new chapel under construction
new chapel under construction
Looking towards the back of the new chapel,
with metal studs being erected as framing on the exterior wall. Supplies are stacked up in the middle of the chapel.
Looking from the back towards the front
of the new chapel during the remodeling process.

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