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NOVEMBER 28, 2008

Throughout the remainder of the month of November, the work on the chapel remodeling project progressed rapidly, the workers completing all the new electrical wiring. Father Scott was able to purchase a complete set of lights on clearance at a bargain price. The dry wall was hung throughout. Then the stucco was sprayed on to the ceiling. However, the result was not even, on account of irregularities in the original ceiling. Consequently, it was decided to cover the entire ceiling with a new layer of dry wall, before redoing the stucco. This delayed the project by a couple of days, but was well worth while. Maple flooring, to match the original hardwood maple floor, was chosen for the sanctuary.

Furthermore, given the urgency and enthusiasm for completing the project rapidly, Father Scott contracted with the workers to complete also the following projects: construct the sanctuary and organ platforms, repair the hardwood floor, install a hardwood floor in the sanctuary, paint the walls, build a confessional. Together with labor and supplies the whole project is estimated to cost around $23,000, but as of now only $14,600 has been collected.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel faculty and students
The photo of the students ofOur Lady of Mount Carmel Academy,
together with their three teachers and two priests in front of the altar of St. Joseph,
in the entrance way. This photo was taken for the chocolate drive,
the success of which they placed in the hands of St. Joseph.

The end of the First Quarter of the first year of Our Lady of Mount Carmel was on Friday November 14. The report cards were completed by the faculty over the weekend, and Father Scott was able to hand them out to the students, one at a time, the following Monday 17, first day of the Second Quarter.

It was on Friday afternoon November 21, that the first meeting of the Brebeuf troop of Catholic boy scouts took place at the school. The goal of the association is to give outdoor skills and activities to boys 11 years old and above, realism and manliness together with a team spirit, within the context of the practice of Catholic Faith and virtue. Mr. James Paraschuk, who recently moved from Saskatchewan, has agreed to take responsibility for the Scout troop, under the spiritual direction of Father May. However, Friday afternoon not being a convenient time for everyone, it was decided to continue the meetings every Sunday after the 10:00 a.m. Mass. The first meetings concentrated on practical skills concerning the use of knives and ropes.

The chocolate drive did not really get going until Sunday November 23, the boxes of chocolates only arriving on the previous Friday. However, within a few days nearly all the 50 boxes had been distributed, and many sold, and so a further 30 boxes was delivered within a week. It is hoped that this fundraiser will make up the shortfall in the funds necessary to complete the chapel.

On Friday November 28, our long awaited aluminum flag pole was erected, in the midst of the piles of snow. There was already a pole here, but at the front of what was originally the school entrance. However, now the school entrance is on the side, and it is this side that is visible, being immediately in front of the parking lot. The Our Lady of Mount Carmel school flag has been designed and ordered, and soon it will be able to fly in front of the school, alongside the Canadian flag.

raising the flag pole
the flag pole is up!
Erecting the new flagpole in the falling snow
and very cold weather
outside the Principal's office on Friday November 28.
The aluminum flagpole finally stands erect, ready to carry the national and school flags.

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