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DECEMBER 12, 2008

The chapel remodeling project is advancing well. The new dry wall to the ceiling throughout, together with paint and stucco was completed by December 5. The following week the walls were painted, the floor was repaired, and the sanctuary platform was constructed. The lights that had been obtained very cheaply at a clearance sale were set in place. The plan for the hardwood floor changed to birch, since a deal became available on best quality birch flooring. The total of funds raised for this project rose slightly to $16,700 by December 12. However, the total cost of labor and materials is $24,800. Consequently, there is still a large gap of $8,000, to be made up by the chocolate sale and future hoped-for donations.

The building of the sanctuary platform
The building of the sanctuary platform in the chapel on Thursday December 11.
Father May inspects the work as it progresses.

The chocolate sale continues: - most but not all of the boxes of chocolate having been distributed and sold. Some of the students have been very dedicated, going out several times a week in the bitter cold, well below freezing. However, several boxes still remain to be distributed and sold, and so the sale will continue until they have been sold.

On Sunday December 7, Father Scott held the second monthly meeting for the Eucharistic Crusade at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. There are 13 active members in the new chapter, 7 of whom are school students, and the other 5 home-schooled. The results for the month of November, offered up for the departed and dying, were very encouraging. All 13 treasure sheets were returned, with some good results, such as 243 Spiritual Communions, 1465 Sacrifices, 2539 Decades of the Rosary and 691 Good Examples. Also on the same day was held a first discussion group for teenage girls, led by Mr. Dias, on the rather topical question of whether girls should go to university or not.

Also on the same day was the meeting of the Brebeuf Scout group, composed of boys from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy, and some homeschoolers. It was decided that it was best for everyone concerned that the meetings be held after Mass on Sunday, so that everyone could attend, including the Scout Master, Mr. Paraschuk. After learning some knife skills, they have now begun working with ropes, and the different kinds of knots required for outdoor activities.

The group of Brebeuf Scouts
The group of Brebeuf Scouts together with the Scout Master, Mr. Paraschuk,
showing the first knots that they learned in their scout meeting on December 7.

Monday December 8, feast of the Immaculate Conception, is always an important day for the Society, for it is on this day that the priests and seminarians renew their engagements, that is their commitment of obedience and submission to their superiors in the Society of Saint Pius X. It is important, for without them the Society would not exist, and because by those solemn promises the priests are attached to the Church. This year, it was Father May’s turn to renew his engagements. He did this in Toronto in the presence of the District Superior, Father Wegner.

However, this feast day was also a busy one here at the school. The presence of Father Wegner enabled us to have a first true High Mass that morning. Fathers Scott and Wegner sung the Propers of the Mass, which was celebrated by Father May. This gave the altar boys the possibility of performing the ceremonies in our present tiny little sanctuary. Afterwards a pot luck followed, during which St. Nicholas made a welcome visit to reward the children, accompanied by the inevitable Krampus to taunt them. That afternoon came the first badminton tournament, played in our gymnasium. All the families participated in this enjoyable competition. The children’s (doubles) division was won by Jerome Nienaber and Joseph Papania, the women’s by Jessica and Laura Arendoque, and the men’s by Father May and George Kirk. Also on that day, parts were assigned for the childrens’ Christmas play to a combination of school students and home-schoolers, practices starting the following day.

St. Nicholas with the children
The children of the parish crowd around St. Nicholas in the school cafeteria.
Krampus is there too, annoying the children, and telling them their faults.
St. Nicholas remains generously unperturbed.

St. Nicholas with the children
St. Nicholas poses with the children in the gymnasium for a photo,
after having distributed his little gifts for Advent.

Father May umpires as the younger boys
plan their strategy for the next shot.
Father May and student George Kirk, the winners in the men's badminton division. Here Father May, nicely set up by his opponent, sends down a slam dunk shot to win yet another game. The home-schoolers complained that it was not fair, for they could not practise as much as the school students (and faculty). That's how the cookie crumbles!

On Wednesday 10th, a fine day finally brought an end to the small but frequent snow falls. Despite the frigid conditions the boys’ desire was granted and the boarders and Fathers had an outdoor cookout that evening in the snow, cooking up hot dogs and marshmellows on some of the old wood from doors and cupboards that have had to be disgarded in recent weeks.

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