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JANUARY 6, 2009

The last day of classes before Christmas was Thursday December 18. However, it was not the last day of school. Friday December 19 was a school excursion - a ski day on the slopes of Horseshoe Valley Ski park, just north of Barrie, together with the Ontario home-schoolers. It just happened to be the day of a heavy snow storm, and the conditions were ideal, all the children having a great time, many of them learning to ski down hill for the first time.

snow tubing
snow tubing
Father May, Mr. Couture and some of the altar boys
have fun snow tubing on December 27.

Father Wegner and another group of altar boys
on the same slope their tubes all tied together.

On Sunday December 21 the first baptism for Our Lady of Mount Carmel took place. It was of the newly born Jacinta Papania, the seventh child of Joseph and Jessica Papania, four of whose children are already in the school.

Then came the two week Christmas break, which was nevertheless not without all activities. On the feast of St. Stephen, December 26, Father Scott performed the first ceremony of reception of altar boys as members into the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen at the chapel of the Holy Canadian Martyrs in Orillia. This ceremony had been prepared by careful study and practice, and written examinations. Four boys were received as Junior Acolytes, one as a Senior Acolyte and four as Masters of Ceremonies at the Offertory of the High Mass sung at the chapel. The next day, Saturday December 27, was the day for an excursion for the altar boys from all the chapels in Ontario - snow tubing, again at Horseshoe valley, this time with Fathers Wegner and May. A great time was had by all.

Archconfraternity of St. Stephen
Archconfraternity of St. Stephen
Father Scott says the prayers for the four new
MCs in the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen
at Holy Canadian Martyrs chapel in Orillia.
The prayers of the ceremonial
for the four new Junior Acolytes.

Archconfraternity of St. Stephen
Archconfraternity of St. Stephen
Final prayers, requesting that all nine altar boys
be true ministers of the altar, following the example
of St. Stephen, and attain to everlasting glory.
After the ceremony, the nine altar boys surround (and dwarf) the priest they serve, in front of the beautiful altar of the Canadian martyrs.

School resumed on Monday January 5, with the children making a last effort to practice the songs for the Christmas play. There was no school on Tuesday 6th, feast of the Epiphany, but after the High Mass, the blessing of the chalk in honor of the three Kings, and a pot luck, the Christmas play was performed, following a script based upon Sacred Scripture. All the children participated, both school children and homeschoolers, including our youngest parishioner, Jacinta Papania, just three weeks old, who played the infant Jesus with some suitable whimperings due to hunger during the play.

Meanwhile the work on the chapel remodeling project continued right throughout the Christmas period. The floor was restained, and then sealed several times. Trim was installed around the floor and the door ways. The confessional was completed and the platforms for the sanctuary and the altar. All was done by Saturday January 3rd. It remained, however, to work on the kneelers of the pews, and to install them, the altar and the organ, all of which was not yet done by the feast of the Epiphany, but is to be done by the end of the week. Parishioners have so far donated $20,400 to this chapel remodeling project, which cost $25,860.22.

sanctuary and altar platforms
staining the chapel floor
The sanctuary and altar platforms
in the school chapel as they were being worked on.
Father May discusses with the workers the staining
of the floor, that it be constant and even.

A close view of the new confessional, installed on the new ceramic floor,
next to the organ platform.

finshed chapel floor
finshed chapel floor
A view of the finished chapel
looking towards the front and the sanctuary platform.
The finished chapel, looking towards the back,
showing the new lights, fans, floor finish and confessional.

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