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FEBRUARY 11, 2009

On the last Monday of January, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy had a brief, freezing outdoor ceremony for the raising of the new school flag. Designed by the faculty and recently made, a copy of it can be seen on the opening webpage. It shows the school’s two colors, tan for Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and a deep blue as the color of Our Lady. In the shield is to be found the letters OLMC and the cross of Our Lady, with the crown won by sharing in the mystery of the Cross set above. On the blue background is to be found the letter M in honor of our holy patron. As every morning line up, the national anthem was sung in its original French version, with its very Catholic lyrics. It was followed by the chant of the Sub tuum praesidium, in English Under thy patronage (we fly, O Holy Mother of God). These words are in fact the school motto.

After three months of preparation, and handing in their treasure sheets every month, the children of the Eucharistic Crusade were ready to make their commitment, and promise to be faithful to their obligations. The ceremony took place at the Offertory of Sunday Mass on February 1, Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany. Eight children received their Page medal and enrolled themselves under the banner of the Divine Heart of Jesus, and one student consecrated himself as a Crusader, committing himself to offer his entire day to Our Lord in the Blessed Eucharist and to receive Holy Communion frequently.

On Tuesday February 3rd and Wednesday 4th we received some welcome visitors. First of all, the District Superior, Father Wegner, and with him Reverend Mr. Ray Lillis, a deacon presently stationed in Toronto. Mr. Larry Pidgeon also accompanied them, and immediately started to sharpen up our sacristy, polishing the candlesticks, thurible and another items in need of an expert clean. Then on Thursday 5th, First Thursday of the month, we were able to hold our first Third Order meeting here at the school, attended by eight members and interested persons. After a talk on the spirituality of the Society and its Third Order, they all participated in a holy hour for priests and vocations, the first holy hour to be held in the newly remodeled chapel.

The next Sunday, February 8, Septuagesima Sunday, was set aside for the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen, for the altar boys. Now that we have a schola and a large enough sanctuary, a High Mass is sung and served every Sunday, the boys rotating around the different roles. The ceremony took place just before the Offertory of Mass, and three new Masters of Ceremonies, three new Senior Acolytes and two new Junior Acolytes pronounced their promise “to do my best to serve reverently, intelligently and punctually, having the glory of God and my own eternal salvation as my object.”

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