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FEBRUARY 24, 2009

Frs. Scott and May together with all the retreatants in the dining room of the school after the retreat..

The first Ignatian retreat to be preached at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy was a great source of blessing for the 23 men who attended, as well as for Fathers Scott and May, who had the privilege of preaching. It was reduced down to three very intensive days, from February 13 - 16, with special concentration on the first part of the retreat, the phase of purification that leads up to the General Confesson. However, it also included meditations on answering the call of Christ the King, fighting under his standard and making the right decisions in life. The largest number of retreatants came from Holy Face chapel in St. Catherines, as also did the three very capable ladies who provided the cooking of excellent food for the entire retreat.

A view of all the retreatants in the dining room at the final meal of the retreat.

girls in new aprons
social studies projects
Here is Mrs. Templeton with her Home Economics
class of four girls, proudly displaying the new aprons
that they just completed this month of February.
Here are Mrs. Templeton's 6th & 7th grade students, displaying their social studies projects on the various provinces in Canada completed this month of February.

Monday 16th being a public holiday in Ontario, the school children also had the day off, enabling the retreat to continue until that night at 7:00 p.m. The following week Reverend Mr. Ray Lillis came to the school to help out, in place of Father May, away at the Priest’s Meeting in Winona. The children enjoyed his classes in Religion and in Latin. Then Friday, February 20th, was the day on which the first Chess Tournament was organized. Mr. Michael Carnes took care of organization and judging the 12 boys and 6 girls who entered into the competition, mostly from the school. James won the boys’ division and Caroline the girls’. Then Mr. Carnes challenged all the children, and played ten games at one time, two of the children managed to beat him in the process.

chess tournament
chess tournament
On Friday February 20 the boys are all concentration
in their attempt to win in their chess tournament.
Here six games are going on at the same time.
Here Mr. Carnes can be seem attempting to play ten
chess games at the same time with the different children,
two of whom were delighted to have beaten him.

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