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MARCH 16, 2009

Scout leader explains bridge building to boys  
Scouts builiding bridges
Mr. Anthony Wahl explains to the members of the Brebeuf Scout troop on December 15 how to build a bridge with popsicle sticks, using the most advanced design techniques.
Two of the boys intent on building the supporting spans for their bridge.

Brebeuf Scout Troop held its first ceremony, at which the new Scouts pronounced their promise and the Scout law. This ceremony took place after Sunday Mass on March 1. Father May was present for the ceremony, at which the seven Scouts and the Scout master, Mr. Paraschuk, were presented with the kerchiefs in navy blue and white that will henceforth identify them as Brebeuf Scouts, and that they are proud to wear in public, including for Holy Mass.

On Sunday March 8, Father Scott had the privilege of officially establishing the Eucharistic Crusade in two of the Society’s chapels in Ontario; at Holy Face chapel in St. Catharines in the morning, and at Canadian Martyrs chapel in Orillia in the afternoon. The children in St. Catharines had been preparing for three months, and so 15 of them were able to make their consecrations as Pages in the Crusade at the Offertory of Sunday Mass. After a meeting to go over their treasures sheets and obligations, a celebration in their honor was held in the church basement. Then that afternoon four new Crusaders and seven new Pages made their consecration in Orillia, again followed by a celebration in their honor. The treasure of their sacrifices and other supernatural efforts will now be applied to the monthly intentions given by Bishop Fellay, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X. This month of March it is for the Pope and the bishops, quite providentially so given recent events.

The school’s second ski trip of the year took place on Thursday March 12, a day much awaited by the children. It was again at Horseshoe Valley, and after fresh snow that the children were able to try out their skiing expertise. They were joined by 27 other children and young adults from the chapels in New Hamburg and Orillia, happy to profit from the occasion for healthy relaxing fun. The same day the school profited from a visit by Father Becher, from Australia, and a friend, Dr. Brown from Phoenix, Arizona. This week also was the occasion of Mr. Larry Pidgeon from Syracuse, NY to come on visit to straighten up the sacristy and to do much needed cleaning of the candles, thurible and other items.

St. Andrew's Society  
Father Scott give the first Adult Catechism class
Meeting of the young ladies of the St. Andrew's Society at Our Lady of Mount Carmel on March 15.
Father Scott give the first Adult Catechism class
at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy on Sunday March 15,
in the high school boys classroom.

Adult Catechism was started at Our Lady of Mount Carmel on March 15. This week it took the form of a commentary by Father Scott on the Pope’s letter of March 12 on the Society of Saint Pius X. Henceforth it will take place after Sunday Mass on two Sundays a month, following the Catechism of the Council of Trent. This same Sunday was a busy one, for there was also a meeting of the Society of Saint Andrew, at which the girls concentrated their efforts on learning how to make brown scapulars. The Brebeuf Scout troop was not idle either. Mr. Anthony Wahl, an engineer and parishioner from Toronto, came in to teach the Scouts how to perform the engineering feat of building bridges out of popsicle sticks.

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