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MAY 4, 2009

The first May crowning took place on the first Sunday of May, May 3. A statue of Our Lady of Mercy was erected in the chapel, and the girls prepared a crown of flowers and roses to present to the Blessed Mother, our Heavenly Queen. With the crowning of the statue, the entire parish made the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary contained in Pope Pius XII’s prayer to the Queen of the Holy Rosary.

crowning of Mary
processing up for the May Crowning of Our Lady
The oldest girl in the school crowns
the statue of Our Lady of Mercy
The girls process up for the May Crowning

At the same time, Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s participation in the third Rosary Crusade requested by Bishop Fellay for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart, was promoted. In fact, the school had started collecting their rosaries for this intention as of Monday April 27. It helps this month of May, since the intention for the Eucharistic Crusade is the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart and the subsequent triumph of that Immaculate Heart. All the school children and those of the parish under 15 all belong to the Eucharistic Crusade, or are postulants to join (in number around 20). After Mass on Sunday May 3rd, Father Scott held his monthly meeting for the children, to discuss their treasure sheets and obligations as members of the Eucharistic Crusade.

Father Scott leads the Eucharistic Crusade meeting
kindergarten teacher and class
Father Scott meets with the children of the
Eucharistic Crusade after Mass on Sunday May 3.
These meetings take place every first Sunday of the month to collect the previous month's treasure sheet.
Mrs. Reis, the new Kindgarten and First Grade teacher
is in her new classroom with her three students.

On Friday May 1st the first official Parent-Teacher conferences were held. Given the small size of the school, it is easy for parents to see their childrens’ teachers. However, in a structured way, the parents were able to pass from one to another of the different teachers that teach their children. The time was so profitable that most meetings went over the fifteen minutes allocated.

Meanwhile, the warmer weather and the coming of Spring has brought the boys out to practice their soccer, with Father May their coach and gym instructor. Gym classes are on Thursday afternoons. The boys plan to field a team to challenge the men in two weeks time.

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