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APRIL 18, 200

A new initiative was begun on Friday March 27. It was to offer private classical guitar lessons to the boys from sixth grade up. Five boys accepted the challenge. A teacher from Kitchener (Mr. Rose) has agreed to come to the school every Friday afternoon for those lessons. A parishioner also kindly purchased three new classical guitars for the school, which arrived on Holy Saturday, much to the delight of the boys when they returned from Easter break.

classroom guitar lessons
Mr. Rose, the high school teacher of classical guitar,
gives his weekly class in the high school classroom.

During the week of March 23 - 29, when Father Scott was away preaching parish missions in Winnipeg and Welwyn, Reverend Lillis came from Toronto to take his place, teaching his classes and administering examinations. Friday March 27 was in fact the end of the Third Quarter, the Fourth Quarter starting on Monday 30th, but report cards were not handed out until April 1st.

On Sunday April 5th, Palm Sunday, the blessing of Palms took place in the gymnasium, in which an altar had been set up, followed by a procession to the main chapel. The large attendance of faithful to profess their Faith in Christ the King quite overwhelmed the capacity of the chapel, a sign of the future.

Procession to the altar for the blessing of Palms
Distribution of Palms
Procession to the altar for the blessing of Palms,
set up in the Gymnasium.
Distribution of Palms to the faithful,
who kneel to receive them.

On Monday April 6th a new family arrived from Nova Scotia, placing two children in the school, increasing enrolment to 17 students. The school was then able to implement a plan and divide the lower grades into two classes, hiring Mrs. Reis to teach Kindergarten and First Grade (3 students), with Mrs. Tonogai retaining 2nd - 4th grades (4 students). Consequently, Our Lady of Mount Carmel has a Kindergarten class, as of the fourth quarter of the year.

The five boarders returned home on Holy Wednesday (April 9th), but the ceremonies of Holy Week continued all the same. Some of the young men who are parishioners made the effort to prepare the chants, and the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday ceremonies were well attended, as also the day Mass on Easter Sunday. In the afternoon of Easter Sunday Father Wegner brought Father Alain Nély, Second Assistant to the Superior General, to the school for a first visit and for a priestly gathering in celebration of Easter. The following week, Easter week, was a week of vacation, during which Father Scott was able to follow his annual retreat in Shawinigan.

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