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AUGUST 15, 2009

The summer began with a men’s five day Ignatian retreat, preached at the school, from June 26 - July 1. Six men attended, half from the US and half from Canada. They had plenty of room for their retreat and recollection. The next day, Thursday July 2, the Father and many of the parishioners went to Toronto for the joint celebration of 25 years of priesthood for Father Violette, and 30 years for Father Mery.

boys camp 2009
31 campers along with Father May and the 17 Junior and Senior counsellors
who helped with the boys' camp on Lake Huron

The following weeks were quiet here at the school, but busy for Father May, who held two camps, the first one for girls and the second for boys. Both camps were well attended, with 23 girls and then 31 boys, as well as Junior and Senior counsellors, and Mr. Zepf for crafts. A Scout Camp on Lake Huron was used as for the past years, permitting a variety of relaxing as well as educational and spiritual activities.

girls camp 2009
Father May, Mr. Zepf and all the girls
who participated in the Ontario girls camp on Lake Huron.

girls around the campfire
the Junior and Senior campers at the girls camp
preparing their evening meal over the open fire,
which also helped to keep them warm in the evenings (in July !).

Meanwhile the faculty was not idle, preparing for the new school year. This meant planning the curriculum, ordering thousands of dollars of new books, working on the inscription of new students and the hiring of new teachers. The increased interest in the Academy has been reassuring, for by the middle of August in excess of 50 students were enrolled, including both the grade school and the high school. Consequently, the school has purchased two new portable classrooms, to be moved onto school grounds. It is not that the school is small, but that the number of classrooms is insufficient for the classes offered. Meanwhile, the men have had several profitable work days, cleaning out and fixing up the buildings.

The feast of the Assumption was a great blessing for the school. It was prepared by an all night adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Then a Rosary procession with the statue of Our Lady of Fatima borrowed from the church of the Transfiguration in Etobicoke took place. At the end of the procession the school and the parish were consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This consecration was followed by the first Solemn High Mass to be celebrated in the school chapel. It was celebrated by Father Webber, who has just been assigned to Toronto, transferred from England, where he has spent the past several years.

Our Lady of Fatima statue
procession in distance
A view of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima sent up before and after the procession. It was before this statue that the consecration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel chapel and school was pronounced by all the Fathers and faithful together on August 15, after the procession.
A view of the entire procession
going around the school property taken from a distance.

three priests at head of procession
A view of the Fathers and the statue leading the procession
on Saturday August 15, with around 150 parishioners following.

After the Mass, the faithful gathered to enjoy the pig roast, and one another’s company. The organically grown pig had been roasting all night long and it took three men to cut it up, and to share it among the 150 parishioners from Toronto, St. Catharines and New Hamburg who came for the event. The hot weather was not a deterrent, since the food was all set out in the gymnasium, the faithful eating outside under the large shade trees on the school grounds.

priests at pot luch
carving the pig roast
Father Wegner, Father Webber and Father May
serving themselves at the very abundant pot luck
dinner for the pig roast after the procession and Mass.
Three butchers and keenly intent on carving up the pig,
Father Wegner to the left, Mr. Hartman the cook in the center, and Mr. Tonogai to the right.

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