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MAY 24, 2010

        What an exciting day was Victoria Day, May 24! A series of events punctuated this day of parish activities. It started with Mass for Pentecost Monday, followed by a series of Athletics activities for the children organized by Father May. Most of the school children and several home schooling families participated, the winning team receiving appropriate rewards. Then came a parish barbecue and get together. It was in turn followed by a Gymnastics display outdoors put on by Miss Lesica’s Gymnastics classes for Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grade.  The highlight of the day followed. It was the production of the play of William Shakespeare, Henry IV, presented in its entirety by the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Drama Club, consisting of the students of the academy, directed by their English Literature teacher, Miss Stannus. The end result was fascinating, amazingly lively and real, and a real honor to the students of the drama club, attempting such a demanding production as their first performance. A fireworks display ended the day.

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Miss Lesica directs the K - 2 children on their gymnastic activities on Victoria Day.

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Hotspur calls to rebellion against the King
in the play Henry IV, put on by the students
of OLMC on Victoria Day, May 24.

King Henry IV and Douglas engaged in one of the staged sword fights that might up the play
Henry IV and that the boys enjoyed greatly.

          The six weeks since the beginning of the fourth quarter had been an intensive time, and the break was much appreciated. The May Crowning on Sunday May 2, and the renewal of the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, had begun this month of Our Lady spiritually. On May 13, feast of the Ascension it was the chance for the 22 members of the Eucharistic Crusade to renew their own consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On May 13 also, the children visited the local zoo, the Twin Valley Zoo in Brantford. The Siberian tiger had to have been the most remarkable exhibit. Sunday May 23, Pentecost Sunday, was also a break for the boarders, who spent the afternoon bowling, before being welcomed by the Hartman family on their organic pig farm.

May Crowning of Mary
May Crowning on May 2, 2010.
The children involved in the ceremony kneel around the crowned statue of Our Lady
for the singing of the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
and the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

          This last quarter has seen an interesting initiative. Some of the parishioners have organized an music performance competition after Sunday Mass every other Sunday. Children from the Academy and from the parish are invited to present a musical piece of their own choosing, and on the instrument of their choosing, and awards are given out for those who earn the most points. The competition is lively. Since many of the students learn one or several instruments, and they have a great desire to win the prizes, they have been very inventive in creating duos, trying new pieces, playing before the parishioners. The encouragement for good music, a fundamental element of any good education, is most appreciated.

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