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APRIL 12, 2011

        St. Patrick`s day (March 17) was an exciting one for both parish and school. The ladies of Our Lady`s Sodality had been preparing the dinner, the students preparing the entertainment, and the parishioners the auction items. The dinner-auction was a great success, the gymnasium being filled with some 200 people, including quite a few who are not parishioners. They were treated to an Irish meal of corned beef with home cooked soda bread and desserts. Father May acted as MC. Innumerable musicians, boys and girls, appeared on stage, playing violins, piano, guitar and tin whistle, and singing a large variety of Irish songs. The older students put on a play that they had put together, telling the story of a remarkable statue of St. Patrick that came to life and destroyed the idols of the false pagan gods. Over 100 items were auctioned off in both the silent auction and the live auction. A profit of around $3,000 was made for the school and everybody had a great time honoring the great saint of Ireland.

St Patrick's day auction
Father Scott tries his hand at auctioneering a variety of items, mainly religious,
including this magnificent outdoor statue of St. Joseph.

St Patrick's day performances
Miss Lesica's violin quartet plays some Irish songs during the St. Patrick's dinner.

St Patrick's day festivities
During the St. Patrick's dinner on March 17,
St. Patrick comes to visit the crowd dressed in green for the occasion,
in between the plays and musical performances.
People are gathered around the silent auction tables.

St Patrick's day performances
Then it was time for the second and third grade girls
to sing some Irish songs for everybody's entertainment.

          Barely had the feast of St. Patrick passed when a pilgrimage headed off for Montreal on the afternoon of Friday March 18, arriving at the Society`s chapel of St. Joseph late that evening. After a delightful meal and the hospitality of the parishioners of St. Joseph`s, the 25 pilgrims, 19 Holy Name Society men, five high school boys and Father Scott, camped down in various parts of the church basement.

          Rising early in the morning of March 19, the pilgrims arrived at the Oratory of St. Joseph just after 6:00 a.m. St. Br. André`s original chapel being locked, Father Scott led the pilgrims into the crypt and immediately set up and celebrated Mass on the side altar of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, delighted to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice in a sacred place that has seen so many miracles and so many holy pilgrimages. After their thanksgiving the miracles started outside, climbing up the steps to the basilica on their knees as they prayed, stopping to pray at the statue of St. Joseph blessed by St. Pius X, the tomb of Br. André, the reliquary of his heart, and finally completing their prayers with a Rosary and prayers to St. Joseph in the upper basilica. This entire pilgrimage was offered up for the special purpose of obtaining a church for Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Mass at the altar of St. Therese
    Father Scott begins the celebration of Holy Mass at the side altar of St. Therese
in the crypt of the Oratory of St. Joseph on the feast of St. Joseph, 2011.

Father Scott distributes Holy Communion to men of the Holy Name Society
and to some non-parishioners who assisted at the traditional Mass in the Oratory.

ascending the steps to the Oratory on their knees
The pilgrims ascend the steps to the Oratory on their knees
praying the chaplet of reparation, as is the traditional custom.

Prayers at the statue of St Joseph
Before the statue of St. Joseph in the upper basilica,
the pilgrims beg for the grace of a new church by a multitude of prayers
in honor of St. Joseph the Blessed Virgin Mary.

          Being in Montreal for the feast of St. Joseph, the pilgrims then proceeded to S. Césaire, where they assisted at the ceremony of reconciliation of the chapel of the former convent of the Presentation Sisters, now become the Society`s St. Joseph Centre. Father Nély presided, and Father Wegner organized a magnificent reception to follow.

          Our third Oblate sister, Sister Maria Guadalupe, finally arrived on Thursday March 24. What a grace to have a complete community of three sisters working together for the glory of God, the sanctification of the parish and the salvation of souls. Sister Maria Guadalupe has taken over cleaning, laundry and sewing responsibilities, thus completing the work and dedication of Sister Maria Barbara and Sister Mary Catherine.

          Friday March 25, feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was also an important day for us. At the High Mass in the morning a ceremony for the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen was held, at which 22 boys was accepted or advanced as altar boys in the Archconfraternity. Five become Junior Acolytes, 12 Senior Acolytes, and five Masters of Ceremonies, bringing to a total of 39 members at Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Fr Scott distributes medals and cords for the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen
New medals and cords are given to the Archconfraternity members
as they rise in level to become Junior Acolytes, Senior Acolytes or MCs.
To the far right can be seen the magnificent statue of the Infant of Prague,
recently installed in the school chapel.

Father Scott is the celebrant for the ceremony of reception and advancement
of 22 members of the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen before the Offertory of High Mass
on Friday March 25, feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

New and advanced members of the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen
A view of all the altar boys in the ceremony for the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen
on March 25, together with Father Scott, taken outside the school after Mass.

          After a quick lunch that same feast day, the annual spelling bee competitions began, with four different levels, grades 2 & 3, 4 – 6, 7 & 8 and high school. After a series of rounds the finalists were chosen, who competed in the gymnasium in front of the entire school and parents for the winning prizes.

spelling bee
Fourth grade boys in competition before their teachers. The other boys are waiting
in the background for their turn at the grueling competition.

spelling bee
Judges and students during the 4th - 6th grade finals, held on the gym stage for all to watch.

          Friday April 1st was the final day of the third quarter. Most students could breathe a little, but a few who had not completed their assignments and several hours of detention until they did. However, it was a busy time for the faculty, grading papers and entering grades and comments into the computer report card program. The fourth quarter started immediately on April 4, and by the following Friday, April 8, report cards were ready for distribution, being passed out to each student by the Principal, along with an appropriate comment of encouragement or remonstration.

           Meanwhile, the 2011 Jog-a-thon was launched, all the students being asked to find at least ten sponsors each for their run. It is hoped that, as last year, this will be a very successful fundraiser to keep the school going. However, it depends entirely on the enthusiasm of students and parents to keep up their efforts to find as many sponsors as possible.

Parish ice skating
Mr. Slinko completes the communion rail gates and installs them at the end of March 2011.
He had already built the communion rail more than a year before.
Now his expert craftmanship decorates the entrance into the sanctuary.

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