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MAY 28, 2011

       Victoria Day was the long-awaited highlight of the fourth quarter. Many of the parish families came and their children participated in a variety of different ``athletic`` events, including relay races, three-legged races, obstacles courses, high jump, long jump, shooting cans with water guns, and a massive tug of war. The activities were all put together and supervised by the high school boys, and everyone had great fun. A barbecue lunch followed, put on by the De Brebeuf Scout troop. Then came the spectacular presentation of Two Gentlemen of Verona, put on by the Our Lady of Mount Carmel drama club, two of the twelfth grade students starring as Proteus and Valentino. The entire cast was made up of by the boys, from sixth grade up, including Sylvia, Lucetta and Julia, to the amusement of their fellows. The costumes and props were much more developed than last year, thanks to the hard work of Mr. Nwadibia, drama club director, the boys themselves and help from parishioners and the sisters. The comedy and profound lessons on love were much appreciated by those who assisted at the three hour presentation.

“Two Gentlemen of Verona”
The very first scene from “Two Gentlemen of Verona”
in which Valentine and Protheus discuss their respective futures

  high jump
Athletics Day

  long jump

  high jump

tug of war
The tug of war between the high school boys and the younger boys
as a part of the Athletics Day on Monday May 23.
The high school boys won....but just.

          It was on Monday May 2, feast of St. Joseph the Worker, that school returned after the Easter break. The following weeks showed a renewed effort to obtain sponsors for the jog-a-thon, especially on the part of the boarders. However, it was only on Friday May 27 that the jog-a-thon was actually run, with the grade school running first, followed by the boys in grades 7 – 12, running around a 1/8th mile track as many times as possible within one hour. One of the eighth graders won the competition, with 60 laps. The funds raised for the school are still being turned in, as the sponsor learn how many laps the children they sponsored were able to do.. 

soccer tournament
  soccer tournament
Soccer Tournament here at OLMC

                   Saturday May 14 was the day for the annual soccer tournament, enthusiastically played in drenching rain by boarders and day students alike, supervised by Father May. On Wednesday May 25, the fourth and fifth grades headed out for their school excursion, which was to visit Doon pioneer village in Waterloo. Fitted out entirely as a village from 1914, it displayed the entire life style of the time, so close to nature and to the reality of the physical world. It was the blacksmith’s shop that most fascinated the boys. 

Students listening to the blacksmith
Fourth grade boys at the Doon Pioneer Village receive a lesson from the blacksmith.
Student by steam train
Sister Maria Barbara and the fourth and fifth grade students
climb up into a steam engine at the Doon Village Pioneer museum.

          Another initiative developed during this fourth quarter was the beginning of voice-training lessons to a large number of the students, both those who sing well, and those who are hesitant. Miss Julianna Hartman, who comes to teach several afternoons a week, has had a enthusiastic response from all her students.

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