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JUNE 7, 2011

         Morrison Dam, near Exeter, was the place of a strenuous hike by the boarders on Sunday May 29. After hiking around the dam and up the deer trails, they then headed for nearby Zurich, where they were able to visit the Hartman farm, receiving some basic instructions on organic farming, crop rotation, planting and soil quality. All returned to school suitably relaxed after an enjoyable dinner.

          The Hitachi truck factory in Guelf was the objective of the high school science excursion on Monday May 30. The constructive of the huge trucks used in mining, in particular the oil sands of Alberta, was carefully explained to the boys who visited the 100 year old but state of the art factory.

Hay ride
  Hitachi truck factory
Hay ride at the Hartman farm for the boarders at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy on Sunday May 29. Mr. Hartman, standing, explains some of the principles of farming in Ontario.
  High school boys from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy on their excursion to the Hitachi truck factory in Guelf, Ontario, on Monday May 31, 2011

          Thursday June 2 being the feast of the Ascension and a holy day, there was no school. After the High Mass in the morning, the boarders headed off for a first contact with the Avon Trail, a 110 km long hikers trail that goes from Stratford to Waterloo (Conestogo), passing through an incredibly variety of different terrains. The directions require some real orienteering skills, most of the boys getting lost on the 10 km section hiked, but two houses of boys found their destination successfully. The winning house (Jogues) certainly appreciated the trip to Tim Hortons to celebrate.

violin student with teacher
One of the first grade students at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy, together with her violin teacher in the music room.

          Sunday June 5 was also the occasion of some parish activities, that followed the pot luck dinner in the gymnasium. First of all the Kindergarten – 3rd grade students put on a display of their gymnastic abilities and coordination, under the capable direction of their teacher, Miss Lesica. Then the De Brebeuf Scouts put on a different kind of display:  a rocket launch. The boys were able to launch the rockets that they had built, impressing parishioners and friends.

          Meanwhile the academic pressure is on, for success at the end of year tests and exams, final end of year exams beginning on Friday June 17.

teacher farewell
Nearly 30 faculty members, volunteers and family came to the celebrate on Wednesday June 1 to honor the two departing teachers from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy, both of which gave two years of their life to the school. On the left is Mrs. Barbas, the Kindergarten and first grade teacher, and on the right Miss Herrmann, the second and third grade teacher. They are cutting the cake for the special celebration.

Girls doing art
One of the most recent parish organizations at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy is the Saint Andrew’s Society (SAS), an organization for young girls with a strong devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to develop wholesome friendships and encourage one another. They meet on First Saturdays after the First Saturday devotions. Here they are shown on Saturday June 4, making bangles and boxes to hold them.

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