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JULY 14, 2011

          Our Lady of Mount Carmel`s second graduation day, the last day of school for this year, Wednesday June 22, 2011, was a day of consolation and rejoicing for student, teachers and parents alike. This year the commencement ceremonies were more impressive than last year, there being four graduates from high school (12th grade) and eight graduates from Junior High (8th grade), six boys and two girls.

commencement speech
A view of the eight graduates from eighth grade
as they assist at the ceremonies in the school gymnasium.

          The last two weeks of school were very intense. For the first time Our Lady of Carmel instituted serious, demanding, three hour end of year examinations for the High School students, that they might become familiar with the demands of college studies and examinations. These examinations began on Friday June 19 and continued morning and afternoon until the end of school on Wednesday June 22. After completing them, the boys had a real sense of achievement, as also did the teachers, after grading them all! Of course, no multiple choice questions are allowable.

Grade eight graduates
A view of the eight graduates from eighth grade
as they assist at the ceremonies in the school gymnasium.

The eighth grade graduates
The eighth grade graduates together with their main teachers.

          The District Superior, Father Jurgen Wegner, graced the school with his presence for the graduation, celebrating the Graduation Mass, the first Solemn High Mass to be celebrated in the school chapel, a Votive Mass in honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Almost all the students, and many parents and family, including those of quite a few boarders were present for the ceremonies.

          After a quick bite to eat, the evening`s commencement ceremonies began in the gym. Father Scott, the Principal, gave the address, stressing the importance of the zeal for truth, goodness and beauty which is at the heart of all Catholic education. Then came the presentation of the diplomas of graduation from 12th grade, with the speeches from the Salutatorian and Valedictorian. Followed afterwards the certificates of graduation from eighth grade, followed by similar, but briefer, speeches. Finally came the presentation of the two certificates of completion of Kindergarten.

The Salutatorian delivers his speech after having received his diploma of graduation.

The school Valedictorian receives his diploma from the school Principal.

The high school graduates together with their main teachers.
The high school graduates together with their main teachers.

          A beautiful rendition of Panis Angelicus, by a selection of boys directed by Miss Hartman, followed. Then came the awards` ceremonies. The most important award is that of the honor roll. Four students merited the honor roll this year. For high school, an average of 85 % each quarter is required, and both the Valedictorian and Salutatorian from 12th grade made this. For the grade school an average of 90 % for each quarter is required for the honor roll, and one fifth grader and one sixth grader attained this. In addition there was a mathematics award, an art award, a home economics award, a library award, best improved student award and seven awards for perfect attendance, namely for those seven students who had no tardies and no absences for the entire year.

          Finally all the teachers were thanked for their devotedness, especially the two teachers who are not returning, the Salve Regina was sung, and photos were taken.

          After the exodus that followed the ceremonies, then began the summer`s work: preparing report cards, cleaning up, collecting books, discussing curriculum, ordering new books, organizing those already present. In particular, planning began for the Girls` High School that will open at St. Therese of the Child Jesus convent in Wellesley this coming Fall, August 31, in this way both responding to the needs of parents and maintaining the separation so necessary for a good, Catholic education.

          Sunday June 26, Solemnity of Corpus Christi, was an important day for us here in Ontario, since for the third time, we organized a solemn procession of the Blessed Sacrament, after a Solemn High Mass at Holy Face of Jesus church in St. Catharines, inviting all our faithful from the province to be present. This year the ceremonies were presided over by the pastor, Father Dominic May.

          On the night of June 26 began the first of three summer retreats. Twelve men, from the US as well as from Canada, were present for the five day Ignatian exercises preached at the school by Father Scott, assisted by Father Webber, ending on the afternoon of July 1, Canada Day.

          Meanwhile, Father May continued his organization of the summer camps. They began with the 10 day canoe camp that began on Monday July 4 and finished on Wednesday July 13. Only five boys attended this year, but they learnt a great deal, and were accompanied by Fathers Wegner and May.

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