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         The second half of the summer was no less occupied than the first. The Canadian Martyrs boys’ camp started on Sunday July 17 and continued through till the following Sunday July 24. It was attended by 24 boys, and was directed by Father Scott, assisted by five seminarians from Winona and Flavigny, France. Despite the unusually hot weather, all had a good and profitable time. The following week it was Father May who directed the Canadian Martyrs girls’ camp, from July 24 – 30. It was attended by no less than 40 girls, a record attendance.

Girls' Camp craft time
Smiling campers on the Canadian Martyrs Camp (July 24th - 30th).

          The next important event of the summer was the Assumption Festival, celebrated this year on Sunday August 14. We were graced by the presence of Father Pierre Roy, recently ordained in Winona. He celebrated a First High Mass for the feast of the Assumption, preceded by the procession in honor of Our Lady and the renewal of the consecration of the parish and school to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. After the Mass he gave his first blessings and then all retired to the gymnasium to enjoy the pig roast. After 15 hours of cooking the pig was still not quite ready, but was soon served with all the other delicacies brought by the parishioners.

          That very same afternoon several of the ladies, Father Scott and Father Roy headed off to Bobcaygeon to the Sugar Bush Cottages. The five day women’s retreat was attended by 26 ladies, starting that very Sunday night, and continuing to the following Friday night. All appreciated the mild weather and the peace of the Kawartha lakes. Meanwhile, on Friday August 19 the third and long awaited portable classroom was installed on the school property. Some work has yet to be done it to meet with the building code, and so it was not ready for the beginning of the school year.

Canoe trip portage
Fr. Wegner, Rev. Mr. Polley, and Mr. Thomas Zepf
-another grueling portage on the French River,
and a chance to empty some water out of the shoes....
Our Canoe Venture Camp took place from July 4th to 13th

The brave paddlers
After 140 kms. in seven days on the French River,
the brave group of Canadian and American adventurers pose on the banks of Flat Rapids
just to the North of the Georgian Bay.

          Then the following Sunday, August 21, the third retreat of the summer began, back at the school, again preached by Father Scott and Roy. Five men assisted the five days exercises of St. Ignatius. It was finished just in time for the teachers to return to their classrooms, for the two in service days of preparation for the school year, August 29 & 30, days of hectic activity during which classes were exchanged, decorated and prepared for school. Among the new teachers to be welcomed were Miss Stannus, returning after a one year absence, this time to teach French throughout the school, and English to the high school girls and to the eighth grade. Miss Mailloux has come from Saskatchewan to teach Kindergarten and Miss De Artola has taken on the fifth grade class. This has enabled Miss Lesica to concentrated nearly entirely on her speciality: - Art and Home Economics. Mr. Nwadibia has now taken over all the high school boys’ English and Mr. Barbas all the History classes from grades 7 – 12.

          Wednesday August 31, the first day back to school, was highlighted by a sung votive Mass in honor of the Holy Ghost, invoking His presence, inspiration and guidance over the school year. The same day the high school boys were able to follow a day of recollection, preached by Fathers Scott and May. The enrolment as of the return this year was 69, two more students than we ended with last year:  46 in grades K – 8, 18 in the boys’ high school and 5 in the newly established girls’ high school at the Wellesley campus.

Father Damien Fox - canoe captain
Father Damien Fox visited Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy,
just after taking up his new assignment in Toronto.
Here he can be seen as captain of a canoe vessel heading down the Grand River
on September 5, at the school canoe trip.

Young paddlers
Determined Voyagers paddle their way down the Grand River on
Monday, September 5th (Labour Day) on an OLMC outing.

canoeing the rapids
Flying down the rapids on the Grand River on September 5, Labour Day,
the canoeing boys from OLMC strove as intently as they could to avoid the biggest of the rocks,
but without only partial success.

          The first interesting event of the school year was the Labour Day canoe trip on September 5. 34 boys canoed down the Grand River from Cambridge to Paris in rented canoes, together with the Fathers and supervisors. It was not just an enjoyable outing, but essential in the forming of a school spirit amongst the boys, with mutual cooperation, especially necessary when one is cold and wet.

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