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DECEMBER 13, 2011

          The feast of the Immaculate Conception was this month`s high point. During the High Mass celebrated for the feast Father Dominic May made his perpetual engagement in the Society of Saint Pius X, binding himself and his priesthood forever to the service of the Society. After a pot luck dinner that followed the 11:00 a.m. Mass, everybody gathered in the gymnasium for this year`s Talent Quest. A great variety of different performances by students of all ages were united into one presentation by Mr. Nwadibia. It was a combination of dramatic presentations, recitation of poetry, singing by solos and groups and instrumental works, notably violins and piano, all presented by the students. The first section was based upon the poems of Lord Byron, The Vision of Belshazzar and The Destruction of Sennacherib, to which much dramatic performance was added, including fables, other poems and instrumental pieces. The second part, put on by the High school girls, consisted in a series of singing performances, followed by the recitation of Death be not proud by John Donne. This in turn was followed by the boys` song and recitation. The enjoyable afternoon ended with the recitation of Our revels now are ended by William Shakespeare.

          The next important event was the public speaking contest which took place on Sunday December 11, after the High Mass and a hot dog lunch organized by the Scouts. The purpose of the contest was to bring to a conclusion and to demonstrate the fruits of a three month course in public speaking, entitled the St. Michael`s Leadership program. 12 boys followed this voluntary, extra-curricular activity after school for twelve weeks successively, learning how to speak in public. All had the opportunity to address the audience, whilst the four chosen delivered prepared speeches in a contest to see who could do best in the art of public speaking. The boys were a little nervous, but the parishioners certainly enjoyed it.

rock climbing

          On Saturday November 19, the junior schola, made up of boys up to grade eight whose voices have not broken, made its debut in singing alone. They sung the Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of long standing parishioner Mr. Gerry Merrick, directed by Father May. That same afternoon the De Brebeuf Scout troop went on a challenging expedition with Father May: rock climbing at a special wall developed for that purpose at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo.

rock climbing

          Meanwhile the work on our third portable was completed on December 13, with the new fire-resistant wall that is nearest to the main school building being finally finished, as well as the ramp and steps at the two doors.

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