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AUGUST 21, 2012

A group of happy canoeists poses for a group photo at the Dalles Rapids towards the end of the Canoe Venture, our third canoe outing with young men and adults, for a trip on the French River, Ontario.

          The summer was a busy one. Father May directed three camps for a total of 88 campers. The canoe camp on the French river was a great success, with 20 participants, boys over 14 and a couple of their fathers. The boys` camp at Attawandaron Scout camp site was attended by 28 boys, and supervised by four seminarians. The girls` camp at the same site was attended by 39 girls, with 13 counselors. The three retreats directed by Father Scott for a total of 47 retreatants, 15 men and 32 women, were also a good success. The two men`s retreats were preached at the school, but the women`s retreat was preached by Fathers Scott and Fox at the Sugar Bush Cottages near Bobcaygeon, as in past years. It was a splendid and peaceful setting on the shore of Lake Pigeon.

Boys Camp
At the end of the Boys Camp (ages 8-13),
Father May stands with his counselors and campers before the camp flag for a group picture.


girls camp
The girls camp, filled almost to capacity this year, included the two Oblate sisters (Sister Mary Barbara, and Sister Mary Guadaloupe), thirteen young ladies as counselors, five kitchen staff and 39 girls.

          The school year will start on August 27 with a slight increase of enrolment, 41 children in the grade school, 24 in boys` high and 7 in the girls` high school. August 22 is the big day for the move of the St. Therese of the Child Jesus convent and girls` boarding facility from Wellesley to a much larger house in New Hamburg. Along with the returning faculty members, we welcome three new staff members, Mr. Matthew Zepf to head up the English department, Miss Theresa Rugman to teach English to the high school girls, and Mrs. Linda Paraschuk to teach them Chemistry and Mathematics.

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