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DECEMBER 31, 2012

         The visit of our Superior General, H.E. Bishop Bernard Fellay, was the high point of the Christmas season. He arrived with Father Wegner, the District Superior, on Friday December 28. During a tour of the school buildings he was able to see all the improvements that have been made since his last visit in June 2009. Then he asked to see St. Therese of the Child Jesus convent in New Hamburg, and was very happy to meet with the sisters, visit their chapel and inspect the girls` boarding facility.

          In the evening the Bishop celebrated Mass in honor of the Holy Innocents. The Mass was followed by a pot luck dinner, shared with all the parishioners, and this in turn was followed by a conference given in the chapel, in which he explained the present state of the Society`s relationship with Rome, the various opposing factions in Rome, and why it is that no progress it to be expected at the present time. The recording of the Bishop`s sermon and conference can be found under the link to sermons on this website.

          The next day, Saturday December 29, was also an important day for Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy. Two of our teachers embraced the sacrament of matrimony together, and are now Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zepf. Although the boarders were absent, many of the parishioners and their students assisted at the nuptial Mass, and the subsequent reception in the school gymnasium. This profoundly Catholic marriage, united as it is with our work of Catholic education, is of great importance for the parish and school of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Grade 4-6 carolers
Grade 4-8 girls, led by Miss Hartman, sing ‘Ding Dong! Merrily on High’

duet carolers
Two talented boys sing “O Gloriosa Virginum”

children with hand bells
Kindergarten & Grade 1 students proudly playing, “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” with hand-bells.

Christmas band
The boarder boys combined talents forming “The Heart of Music” band.

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