"Tradidi quod et accepi"
"I transmitted what I have recieved"



Official Bulletin of the
Society of St. Pius X
For Canada


* * * *

No. 8 of a New Series
May 2001



Father Dominique De Vriendt

Spiritual Itinerary
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

Discussions with Rome: Cor Unum no. 68
H.E. Bishop Bernard Fellay

Talk with Bishop Bernard Fellay
Fideliter No. 140

The Pope, the Mass, and Peace
Father Philippe Laguerie

In the Crisis of the Church, Let us Remain Truly Roman Catholics
Father Michel Simoulin

Education to Virtue Must start Before the Age of Five
Dominican teaching Sisters of Post Falls

The Dazzling Success of Harry Potter
Father Niklaus Pflunger

Harry Potter and the Marketing of the Occult
Patricia MacLean

Halloween, Harry Potter, Pokemon, Digimon and Mandala...
Father Pascal Schreiber


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