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JANUARY 14, 2012

          Murder in the Cathedral was the last dramatic jest before Christmas break. The Girls` drama club, made up of the six high school girls, together with several of the grade school girls, had been working on this magnificent Christmas play by T. S. Eliot since September. The end result was excellent, all the girls playing their roles with great expression. The play tells the story of that Christmas in 1170, the temptations to which St. Thomas a Beckett, returning from exile, was subject, and his heroic Christmas sermon and martyrdom in his cathedral four days later.

Murder in the Cathedral
The Second Tempter tries to turn the Archbishop’s mind to earthly ambition.

Murder in the Cathedral
Archbishop Thomas a Becket is loudly accused of treason by Henry II’s Knights.

Murder in the Cathedral
The Archbishop’s assassins attempt to justify their crime.

Murder in the Cathedral
The women of Canterbury mourn their Archbishop.

          The two hour presentation took place as a matinee on the last afternoon of school before Christmas, Thursday December 22. It was direction by Miss Stannus, the English and Literature teacher for the high school girls.

          Peace and quiet took over the school for just over two weeks, with the celebration of the feast of Christmas and the New Year. Many of the parishioners came for the holy hour of reparation on New Year`s Eve, and the feast of the Epiphany was well attended, with First Communions for two second graders.

          Sunday January 8 was the day of return from vacation for the boarders, enthusiastic as they were to start school the next morning. The pressure was on from the beginning, since there remained only three weeks from the return from vacation to the end of semester examinations. On Saturday January 14, the first fundraiser of 2012 was the bottle drive, the second for this school year, in which all the boarders participated.

          Also, launched at the same time was the Regal gifts fundraiser, in which all our friends are invited to participate, donating 30 % to the school by purchasing any of the items available from their website. More information.

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